Six Rivers Lodge No. 106 – July 2024

My Brothers and Friends,

Greetings on this beautiful 4th 0f July Holiday. We will have a busy and hopefully fun and productive month here at “ye olde lodge”. Our big event is our Outdoor Third Degree for Brother Charlie Johnson on Saturday, July 13th starting at 11 AM. We will be holding the degree at Wor. Steve Jacobs Estate out in Fieldbrook. A BBQ lunch will be provided at Noon with massive amounts of fellowship permeating the air. These outdoor degrees are few and far between and are an exciting Masonic Event; so, come on out and support our soon to be newest Master Mason.  Maps will be provided upon request.

Continuing in this vein, we will be initiating our new candidate, Mr. James M. Reid (Mitch) on August 27th at 7 PM at Six Rivers Lodge. Come and help welcome our newest Mason.

This month’s family and friends’ event will be our journey to the Crabs Game on July 16th, starting at 6:30 PM. We have reserved the picnic area on the left field side of the stadium at the Arcata Ball Park. We will be providing grilled Tri-Tip steak and assorted sides at no charge. So sign up your family and come out and join us. A good idea to bring a jacket and some comfy lawn chairs; picnic tables are provided.

Important business meetings occur on July 23rd at 7 PM, the Hall Association Meeting and on July 30th at 7 PM, School of Instruction (All #106 Officers must attend). As time permits, we will be honing our skills on Mexican Train Dominoes as well.

Looking ahead, August 11th is our District Wide Picnic in Fortuna and on September 11th our First Responders Dinner. Let’s not forget our Grand Lodge Corner Stone Event in Eureka and Blue Lake on September 28th.


George Durfee, WM