Humboldt Lodge No. 79 – January 2024


Masonic Development, Fellowship, & Charity. It’s what we do. On January 9th our officers and coach Bill Lambo, PM,  discussed our expectations of each other for ritual practice and development, which is always a good conversation to start the year. If you cannot be at a practice, notify Bill. If you need a substitute for a degree, ask a Past Master at least a week ahead of the night. We are scheduled to confer Bro. Sheyenne “Shiny” Stillinger a 2nd degree on Thursday January 30th. Fellowcrafts and Master masons are welcome to join us for dinner at 5:30pm and Lodge Opening at 6:30pm. 

Thank you brothers who brought 6+ prospects to our Thursday night practice yesterday! It’s our earnest desire to make every Thursday at 5:30pm a Lodge night. We’d like every brother to come grab a bite, enjoy fellowship, and if inclined and eligible watch our officers practice their ritual. 

We hope you’re looking forward to the return of Sushi Night on Saturday, January 18th. Bro Reed has taken steps to ensure that the flaws of last year don’t repeat, this will be a fantastic fellowship event to start the new year. Thank you Josh for your tireless successful efforts. There will be Taiko drummers and Karaoke to round out the sushi feed. Humboldt 79’s Ladies’ Luncheon is scheduled for 26 January at 12pm. 

Charity- The brethren elected to donate $x to the local Special Olympics to soften the blow of the theft of their sports equipment storage. 

See you at Lodge, 

Davin Bowerman, Worshipful Master